February is known of being the month dedicated to LOVE, so lets talk about love!
01.02.2022 20:30-21:00 EET (Eastern European Time)
This is One-Time event which will not repeat.
The event is absolutely free and everyone interested can join it! *Please notice that this event has pretty short length, so if you don't want to miss it, make sure to be on time for it. ;)
The focus of this virtual exhibition will be a little bit different, compared to the previous one and those which will follow.
Via YouTube live stream, I will take you to July 2017 in Rimini, Italy.
During a midnight walk in the home town of the great filmmaker Federico Fellini, something grabbed my attention. As it happens often, I wanted to keep a memory of this specific thing - The Box. Those 25 photos which I took back then, have only sentimental value. All behind it is just a story. So, I invite you to take part in this event, not just as a viewer, but also as a storyteller.
Share a story about love.
The story could be from your life, or the life of another person. Could be a story from a book, song, movie or somewhere else. A story which impressed you or inspired you. A story you find as special or just interesting. A story with which you connect somehow, a story which made you laugh, or cry, or just a love story... There are no rules and no limits.
Let's bring on the surface the unknown, familiar, similar or even different faces of love. To do this, please use the comment section under this post on my website. *The story can be written in english or bulgarian.
What is Love?
Can it be seen? Can it be touched or smelled? Does it taste? Does it has a certain look? What makes us feel it and how does it affect us? Is it something good or it is bad? How do we know it is love?
As a little "Thank you", to those who shared a story, I prepared some gifts.
Right after the presentation of the images, during the live stream on YouTube, I will select randomly 3 people from the comments.
The selected people will receive a letter from me, containing a post card with an image from the series and a special personalized note written by me. The post card will not contain any text, so could be resend to another person. One of the selected people will also receive one hour free photo session. The selected person can choose if the photo session will be of him/her or another person, but must be based in Sofia, Bulgaria.
*Only people who shared a story before 1st of February will participate in the Giveaway!
Comments are welcome after this date as well.
To leave a comment, you can easily log in with any e-mail or even facebook profile into my website. I prefer to have the comments here, because this way it will not be limited by the usage of any particular social media platform.
Link to the YouTube live stream:
Everyone who is interested to talk after the exhibition is welcome to meet me here:
During the first 3 months after this event, only Patreon Members will have access to the live stream video recording and the gallery on my website with all images from the series “THE BOX”. In my Patreon profile, you can find out more about the behind the scene process of these virtual exhibitions and other interesting stuff. I will also share a love story there, but it will be visible only for members. Become a Patreon Member: Support the artists you like!
PROGRAM FOR 1ST OF FEBRUARY: 20:30 - 20:35* Presentation of the series via YT live stream 20:35 - 20:45 Selection of the winners in the Giveaway - can be watched via the YT live stream. End of the live stream. 20:45 - Meet me in zoom
Time: Feb 1, 2022 08:30 PM Sofia
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 0808 5057
Passcode: 297688
Thanks to everyone who is supporting me in my creative journey!
The story I would like to share is about two little dogs. A dachshund lady called Piefke and a russian toy terrier called Elf. My mum had Piefke and my dad had Elf. Piefke came from from difficult circumstances, when my mum took her. Piefke was fearful and grumpy towards people, but also towards other dogs. Elf the toy terrier was different, he was full of life and happiness.
My parents were living separated since quite a while. One day my mum came over to my dad’s place, where Piefke and Elf saw each other for the first time. Piefke was grumpy and dismissive, but little Elf immediately fell in love. Well, she didn’t like him at all.. She barked…
Thanks to everyone who shared a story about love! All stories are amazing and I strongly recommend to be read! While I was reading, some stories , they made me laugh and some made me cry. With some stories I was able to connect more that with other, but those are the "different faces of love" I believe. "Love" such a special thing, having so many different "shapes"".... Or does it has shapes?
Everyone who didn't share a story yet, have the possibility to do it anytime, as this post will remain.
Congratulations to Eleni Zaparta and Krisi Stoicheva (Brand New Mommy) who are two of the winners which will receive a letter from me, containing a post card with…
Февруари е загадка запечатана с целувка:Върволица от свободни сигнали или неочаквани писма?
Романтика на изчакване или бясна скорост към страстта! 💔❤️ ……и специално когато си роден в месеца на любовта! ✨♥️
Любовни истории имам много.Срамно много, а може би възхитителено много.Най-трагичните обикновено разказвам с най- много хумор, най-комичните понякога ме е срам да ги разкажа, от най-странните се ражда най-много творчество, а най -обикновените, въпреки че са скучни за разказване, са единствените, които си струва да запомниш.Обичала съм много и различно … и всеки път е било истинско, всеки път съм сътворявала чудеса, давала съм част от себе и това, че пътищата са се разделяли не означава, че любовта е била илюзия или изгубено време.Всяка среща, всеки трепет, оставят своите следа, урок и вдъхновение.Щом си го чувствал тогава, било е истинско - тогава, никой никъде не е обещавал истинската любов да е равна на вечната дружба.Любовта има измерения, пластове, нюанси.Често съм…
My father died of a heart attack twelve years ago. It goes without saying, that it was a hard time for my mother, who met him as a girl and spent 44 years on his side.
After a while she got better and moved to the city, started a new life, so to say.
I then asked her, if she could imagine to fall in love again. She said analogously, that she feels it’s impossible for her to find another person that could take my fathers place, after all those years she spent with him, so she has chosen to stay alone for the rest of her life…